How to set up a tracking url
Hello and welcome to your GoodBarber back office
Today we’ll see how to offer your clients shipping tracking.
To offer this option, you must associate your client's order with a package tracking URL, provided by your carrier.
Let's see how to associate this URL with an order.
Let's go to the Orders page, and select the order to which we want to associate this shipping tracking.
In the Carrier section, just copy the URL in the "Tracking URL" field.
Click OK.
And voila!
Now let's see how your client will access this tracking.
In your shop, after logging in, your client will only have to go to the "My orders" page and then, in the order details, on the "Track my order" button.
Nothing more !
You now know how to associate a shipping tracking URL with an order!
See you soon for another tutorial!
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