How to design the sections of your shop
Hello and welcome to your GoodBarber back office
Today, we’ll learn how to set up the design of the shop’s sections.
Each type of section has its own design specificities, but the process to set them up is the same.
To design a section, let’s go to the menu Content and Design > Design > sections design
For this example, we’ll design a Product. List.
First thing, select a template. You can see the modifications straight away in the back office preview.
Let's choose Template 2
Then we set up the design of the content zone
background-color, content alignment
Fonts and fonts colors of the different elements
And to finish the thumbnail format
Voila! All done
This design will be applied by default to all the product list sections in your shop.
There is a way to design a section in particular, but that’s for another video ;)
Here you go, my product list is ready
It’s your turn now!
See you soon for another tutorial!
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