How to customize the 404 page of your shop
Hello and welcome to your GoodBarber back office
Today, we’re going to look at the PRogressive Web APP version fo your app and more specifically its 404 page.
When a page is not found on your PWA or native app, our servers return an error, called 404 error
This can happen when the content has been deleted or moved, or the URL wasn’t typed correctly.
You can, of course, modify the design of the 404 page of your shop
Go to the menu Setting > other settings > 404 error
Let’s edit the text of the displayed title
I can also add an image instead.
I customize the text
And finally, I customize design elements, font, font color, and background color.
I can see all my modifications straight away on the preview on the right
And voila! we’re done.
You can now customize your own 404 page
See you soon for another tutorial !
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