They trust GoodBarber

Exclusive content on the latest innovations

Showcase your premium content

Offer your subscribers gadget reviews, trend analyses and special reports that you won't find anywhere else. This exclusivity increases the value of your magazine, encouraging readers to subscribe for access to cutting-edge technology information. Determine the pricing structure and duration of subscriptions to maximize your revenue.

Simplified underwriting process

Subscribe easily from any device

Thanks to an integrated subscription system, your readers can subscribe effortlessly from their iOS or Android device, making access to your exclusive content more accessible than ever. An optimized user journey guarantees increased subscriber conversion rates, strengthening your revenue base.

Constant income generation

Ensure stable income with subscriptions

By offering continuous, high-quality technology content, you create a predictable and growing revenue stream. Exclusive analyses and breaking news attract subscribers willing to pay for your expertise, contributing to your magazine's financial growth.

Building a technophile community

Engage a community passionate about technology

Developing a community of dedicated subscribers enriches the conversation around technological innovations and strengthens your brand's position as a thought leader. Use GoodBarber's features to encourage interaction and the sharing of ideas, expanding your audience and your impact.

And much more

Analytics for an optimized content strategy

Use data to refine your strategy and deliver what your audience wants

Visibility of subscription offers

Use a dedicated widget to promote your subscription offers effectively

Recover 100% of your subscription revenues

All subscription revenues are entirely yours, with no hidden costs

Customize subscription page

Create a subscription experience that reflects your magazine's identity and values

Effortless underwriting thanks to expert design

Offer a smooth subscription path designed to encourage registrations

A top-quality app

Benefit from the advantages of a no-code application builder for a robust, responsive app
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...