They trust GoodBarber

Monetize exclusive tutorials

Determine which DIY projects are premium or free

Position yourself as a reference in DIY technology by offering detailed paid tutorials on cutting-edge topics such as robotics and programmable electronics. With GoodBarber, you can freely adjust the price and duration of subscriptions, offering flexibility and total control over your content.

Simplify subscription for your users

Offer a direct and intuitive subscription process on cell phones

Ensure smooth subscriber acquisition with our integrated subscription system. Tech enthusiasts can easily sign up and pay for subscriptions via their iOS or Android devices, encouraging an instant purchasing decision through simplified navigation.

Secure stable income

Capitalize on your content for ongoing profitability

Subscribing to specialized content such as DIY electronics courses creates a recurring and reliable source of income. This financial stability allows you to invest more in finding new, exciting projects and high-quality materials for your tutorials.

Build a community of innovators

Unite an audience passionate about technology and innovation

Develop a community of loyal followers by offering exclusive access to your best DIY tech guides and projects. GoodBarber gives you the tools you need to keep engagement high, with built-in subscriber managers that make communication and user retention easy.

And much more

Detailed subscriber statistics

Visualize the performance of your subscriptions with precise, actionable data

Promotional widget on home page

Highlight your subscriptions on the home page to grab attention from the first click

Zero commission on sales

Keep 100% of your earnings, with no commissions deducted by GoodBarber

Customize subscription pages

Create subscription pages that reflect your brand identity and captivate your users

Expertly designed subscription process

Enjoy a smooth subscription process created by UX/UI specialists

Premium user experience on mobile

Deliver an unrivalled experience with a native app offering all the essential features
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...