They trust GoodBarber

Flexible monetization of eco-responsible content

Choose which modules to make paid or free

Tailor your sustainability training offerings to include modular subscriptions. These courses can cover essential topics such as environmental management, ethical business practices and sustainable development, giving your audience the tools they need to transform their business practices in favor of a greener future.

Easier access to environmental education

Make learning about eco-responsibility accessible to all

Simplify the subscription process with a user-friendly interface that enables users to sign up quickly and easily. Barrier-free access to these valuable resources encourages continuing education and environmental awareness, essential for professionals in all sectors.

Consistent revenues with quality training

Ensure a predictable and ethical revenue stream

Offer sustainability training that not only educates, but also generates a steady income. This creates an opportunity to monetize your expertise while making a positive contribution to society by promoting sustainable practices.

Cultivating a conscious and committed community

Foster an ethical and sustainable corporate culture

By focusing on eco-responsibility and sustainable development, you build a subscriber base that values environmental action and innovation. Encourage this community to adopt and promote practices that support long-term sustainability and professional ethics.

And much more

Detailed analyses of environmental trends

Use data to guide course improvements and better meet your subscribers' environmental awareness needs

Promotion visible on home page

Increase subscriptions with eye-catching widgets that highlight your subscriptions on the app's home screen

Zero commission on revenues

Take full advantage of your subscription revenues, with no deductions by the platform

Advanced customization of subscription pages

Create pages that resonate with your audience's values of sustainability and eco-responsibility, improving engagement and conversion

Expertly optimized underwriting process

Take advantage of an elaborate subscription workflow to maximize efficiency and user comfort, boosting conversion rates

An exemplary mobile user experience

Offer a high-quality application with offline viewing and push notifications, ensuring an uncompromising user experience
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...