They trust GoodBarber

Promote your promotions and special offers

Select the best offers to promote to maximize appeal

Use your app to highlight seasonal promotions, discounts on online orders, and special offers for events. GoodBarber makes it easy to manage these promotions, ensuring that your customers are always aware of the best deals, boosting sales and footfall.

Simplify booking and ordering

Offer an effortless ordering experience via your app

Make it easy to order food directly from the app. Integrate online booking and mobile payment features to make the user experience as pleasant as possible, boosting conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Build customer loyalty with rewards

Encourage returns with an engaging loyalty system

Create a loyalty program directly in your app that rewards regular customers with discounts, exclusive offers or redeemable points. This not only encourages repeat visits, but also reinforces positive word-of-mouth around your catering services.

Analyze trends and adjust your offers

Use data to refine your promotional strategies

Collect and analyze usage data from your application to understand customer preferences and behaviors. This enables you to adjust your offers to better match demand, optimize your hours of service and continuously improve the customer experience.

And much more

Behaviorally targeted promotions

Offer personalized promotions based on customers' ordering habits to increase relevance and effectiveness

Push notifications for special offers

Alert your customers immediately to new promotions with push notifications, grabbing their attention at just the right moment

Integration with social networks

Share your promotions and special offers directly on social networks for increased visibility and wider engagement

Detailed performance reports

Access detailed reports to track the effectiveness of your promotions and adjust your strategies in real time

Easy inventory management

Manage your stocks more effectively, based on current promotions, to avoid surpluses or shortages

Integrated customer support

Offer customer support directly via your app to quickly answer questions and resolve order-related issues
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...