They trust GoodBarber

Exclusive content for relations

Select sessions to promote and offer privileged access

As a relationship coach, you have a unique opportunity to create paid video programs that help your customers navigate the complexities of personal or professional relationships. With GoodBarber, easily configure premium and free access, and adjust pricing to meet demand, while delivering content that truly transforms lives.

Quick and easy access

Make subscription as easy as possible for your customers

GoodBarber's integrated subscription system enables your customers to subscribe and access your content directly from their mobile devices. This seamless process encourages greater adoption and retention, helping your customers to stay engaged with your educational material and apply the lessons in their daily lives.

Predictable and constant income

Stabilize your finances with recurring subscriptions

Offering subscriptions to your sessions not only enriches your customers' lives, it also stabilizes your income. This business model allows you to anticipate steady earnings and plan for expansion of your services, while providing ongoing support to those seeking to enhance their relationships.

Engaged customer community

Build subscriber loyalty with interactive, regularly updated content

Creating a community around your relationship coaching programs can radically transform the effectiveness of your coaching. By regularly engaging your subscribers with content updates and personalized interactions, you foster a supportive atmosphere that encourages continuous improvement in your customer relationships.

And much more

Interaction analysis

Gain valuable insights into user engagement to refine your strategies

Visible promotion

Highlight your subscription offers to maximize visibility and attraction

Zero commission

Benefit from all your income, with no commission on sales

Application customization

Adapt the aesthetics of your application to reflect your unique brand

Optimized subscription process

Ensure a smooth user experience for easy subscription

High-quality user experience

Deliver a smooth, high-performance app for optimum customer satisfaction
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...