They trust GoodBarber

Flexible monetization of enriching content

Opt for flexibility in monetizing your courses

Choose which personal development and professional effectiveness content to monetize, and which to offer free of charge. Offer subscriptions that are adjustable in terms of duration and price to suit the variety of user needs, while maximizing your revenues. This strategy attracts and retains a diverse audience, increasing your impact and profits.

Simplified subscription for direct access

Promote easy access with rapid underwriting

Enable your users to subscribe easily via their iOS or Android devices thanks to an intuitive interface. This streamlined process encourages rapid sign-ups and reduces barriers for users keen to improve their professional efficiency and personal development.

Regular income from quality content

Ensure a steady source of income

Add value to your personal development and professional effectiveness videos by creating a stable source of recurring revenue. Subscription offers ongoing value to your users while guaranteeing a predictable revenue stream, essential to sustaining your company's growth.

Building a loyal and committed community

Develop a subscriber base passionate about personal growth

By focusing on personal development and professional effectiveness, you cultivate a community of engaged individuals who value continuous improvement. Offer content that inspires and transforms, encouraging loyalty and active participation.

And much more

Detailed analysis of subscriber behavior

Evaluate the effectiveness of your content to refine your offers and maximize user engagement

Effective home screen promotion

Highlight subscriptions directly on your home page to boost conversions and the visibility of your offers

Zero commission on subscription revenues

Take full advantage of your subscription revenues, without any deductions, to maximize your profits

Customizable subscription pages

Create subscription pages that reflect your brand identity and enhance the user experience, increasing appeal and conversion

Expertly designed subscription process

Benefit from a subscription workflow developed by specialists to optimize the user experience and increase conversion rates

An impeccable mobile user experience

Deliver an exceptional user experience with a mobile application that integrates advanced features such as offline consultation and push notifications
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...