They trust GoodBarber

Fuel the transformation

Offer life-changing nutrition plans

As a nutrition coach, your expertise transforms diets and lives. With GoodBarber, create videos that offer healthy recipes, personalized meal plans and strategies for maintaining a balanced diet. By offering these resources on a subscription basis, you not only bring considerable added value to your customers, but also create a stable, recurring revenue stream for your practice.

Simplify access to healthy food

Make healthy choices easily accessible

GoodBarber's integrated subscription system makes your nutritional advice available at your fingertips, on any device. This accessibility makes it easier for your customers to switch to healthy eating habits, helping them to make better day-to-day decisions without extra effort.

Stabilize your practice with ongoing revenues

Ensure financial growth with recurring subscriptions

Adopting a subscription-based model not only allows you to stabilize your finances, but also to plan for the expansion of your services. With a steady stream of revenue, you can focus on what really matters: helping your customers achieve and maintain their optimal health.

Cultivate a community of well-being

Encourage active involvement and collective motivation

Creating a community around your videos supports a group dynamic where customers can share their successes and challenges. Organize nutrition challenges, Q&A sessions and webinars to build commitment and offer ongoing support.

And much more

Monitoring nutritional progress

Provide tools to monitor dietary progress and adjust diets in real time

Elegant, targeted advertising

Use subtle but effective marketing strategies to promote your nutritional programs

Withholding income

Keep all the income you generate, with no deductions for commissions

Personalized experience

Create a personalized user experience that reflects your unique approach to nutrition

Easy registration

Make subscribing to your videos as simple and inviting as possible to encourage wider participation

Outstanding operating quality

Offer a pleasant, intuitive user interface that encourages frequent use and enriches the coaching experience
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...