They trust GoodBarber

Exploring dynamic meditation

Integrate mindfulness into your daily activities

Offer podcasts that teach how to practice meditation while walking, doing yoga, or even doing household chores. Discuss techniques for anchoring mindfulness in movement, the benefits of staying mindful during physical activity, and how this can help reduce stress and improve overall health. Offer subscriptions with regularly updated episodes to keep your listeners engaged and motivated.

Easy access for simple practice

Subscribe to start meditating in motion

Make your podcast accessible via an intuitive platform, available on all mobile devices, giving your listeners easy access to guided sessions they can follow while on the move or at home. Facilitate their engagement with simple controls and clear audio guides for effortless integration into their daily routine.

Develop a sustainable income stream

Monetize your expertise in moving meditation

Use your specialization to create content that not only enriches your listeners' routine, but also generates regular income for you. Offer subscriptions that include exclusive sessions, interviews with experts in physical and mental well-being, and practical exercises to deepen understanding of meditation in motion.

Cultivate an active, aware community

Encourage interaction and the sharing of experiences

Foster a community among your listeners by creating forums and discussion areas where they can share their experiences of meditation in motion, ask questions, and receive advice. Organize meditation challenges and virtual group sessions to boost commitment and motivation.

And much more

Analytics for evolving content

Use listening feedback to fine-tune your content, ensuring that it responds effectively to your listeners' needs and interests, increasing relevance and satisfaction

Promotions to encourage registrations

Offer promotions and free trial periods to attract people interested in moving meditation, rapidly increasing your subscriber base

Withhold 100% of your income

Keep all the revenue generated by your subscriptions, allowing you to reinvest in the production of high-quality content and targeted marketing strategies

Personalized subscription experience

Tailor subscription options to your audience's needs, enhancing their experience and loyalty

Automatic renewals for ongoing convenience

Integrate an automatic renewal system to facilitate subscription management and ensure a hassle-free user experience

Optimized for all mobile devices

Optimize your podcast for flawless performance on all mobile devices, enabling your listeners to practice meditation on the move wherever they are
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...