They trust GoodBarber

Flexible monetization of your content

Optimize your choice of paid and free content

Choose which training modules to monetize and offer flexible subscription options to maximize engagement and revenue. Create a pricing strategy that meets your users' needs while increasing your profits. You have the freedom to determine which content is free and which is subscription-based, as well as to configure the duration and pricing of subscriptions to best meet the expectations of your target audience.

Simplified subscription for your users

Encourage registration with an intuitive system

Enable your learners to subscribe easily via their iPhone or Android, thanks to a simplified interface. This integrated subscription system eliminates barriers to entry, encouraging greater adoption and participation. A smooth, frictionless subscription process is crucial to converting visitors into regular paying subscribers.

Regular income from quality content

Ensure a stable source of income

Your leadership and management content is valuable; leverage it by building a recurring revenue stream. With subscriptions, you provide ongoing value while receiving a steady income that can turn your passion into a thriving business.

Build a committed subscriber base

Build a loyal following of people passionate about your field

Building a solid base of subscribers guarantees not only regular income but also deep engagement. Offer content that excites and educates, encouraging long-term loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, essential to growing your community.

And much more

Detailed statistics for a refined strategy

Visualize and analyze subscriber behavior to refine your content and marketing strategies

Direct promotion on home page

Integrate widgets on the home screen to promote subscriptions and increase conversions directly

Zero commission on your income

Benefit from all your subscription income without any commission charged by GoodBarber

Customize subscription pages

Adapt the subscription page to reflect your brand's image and values, enhancing the user experience

Expertly optimized subscription process

Benefit from a subscription workflow designed to maximize user experience and conversion

First-class mobile user experience

Offer a high-quality app with offline consultation and push notifications, for a seamless experience
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...