They trust GoodBarber

Monetize your expertise

Choose which premium content to offer and at what price

As a health and wellness coach, you can select which videos to monetize and which to offer for free, adjusting prices and subscription durations according to your objectives and the needs of your audience. This allows you to maximize your revenues while providing significant added value to your customers.

Easy subscription

Make registration and access as simple as possible

With GoodBarber, the subscription process is simplified, allowing your subscribers to sign up and log in easily from their mobile devices. This improves the user experience and can increase the subscription conversion rate.

Stable income

Ensure a regular, predictable income stream

Offering recurring subscriptions enables you to generate a stable income, which is essential for planning the future development of your content offerings. It also helps retain customers over the long term, by continually providing them with valuable content that supports their well-being.

Loyalty and community

Build a loyal and active subscriber base

Developing a loyal community around your wellness videos creates an engaged and supportive environment. By using GoodBarber, you can offer personalized content and interactions that strengthen brand attachment and encourage subscription renewals.

And much more

Performance monitoring

Analyze engagement data to optimize your offers

Promotional widget

Use widgets to actively promote your subscriptions on the app


Retain 100% of your subscription revenues

Easy customization

Easily adapt the aesthetics of your subscription pages

Intuitive subscription process

Offer a simplified user path to facilitate subscriptions

Superior quality

Ensure the best user experience with a high-quality app
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...