They trust GoodBarber

Exclusive content for a healthy lifestyle

Select programs to offer or monetize

GoodBarber lets you choose which episodes of your health and fitness podcasts are free and which are reserved for paying subscribers. Offer free workouts to attract a wide audience, and reserve your in-depth nutritional advice and personalized programs for paid subscriptions. This strategy balances accessibility and monetization, increasing your reach while building a solid revenue base.

Easy registration for your listeners

Subscribe in just a few clicks from any device

Simplify the subscription experience with our intuitive interface, allowing your listeners to sign up easily from their iOS or Android devices. This fluid process minimizes barriers to entry, increasing conversions and enabling more people to access your paid health and fitness content, boosting engagement and loyalty.

Regular income and growth

Ensure a steady stream of revenue

By adopting a subscription model, you ensure a predictable income stream that supports the continued growth of your podcast channel. Loyal subscribers provide a stable source of revenue, allowing you to focus on creating content that inspires and motivates your community to lead healthier lives.

Engaging and retaining auditors

Strengthen your community with exclusive content

Offer your subscribers exclusive content that motivates them to pursue their health and fitness goals. This quality content encourages loyalty and turns your listeners into brand ambassadors, helping to extend your influence and reach new market segments interested in health and wellness.

And much more

Detailed engagement statistics

Analyze interactions with your content to refine your offers and better meet your audience's expectations. This data helps you optimize your programs and increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns

Active promotion of subscriptions

Highlight your subscription options with interactive widgets directly on your app's home screen. This facilitates access to your paid programs, increasing subscriptions and engagement

Zero commission rate

GoodBarber takes no commission from your subscription revenues, allowing you to maximize your profits and reinvest in high-quality content

Customized subscription pages

Create subscription pages that reflect your brand identity and directly engage your target audience. Customize the experience to better match the image of your health and fitness podcast

Frictionless subscription workflow

Take advantage of our optimized processes for a hassle-free subscription experience. Intuitive designs and simplified steps encourage more users to subscribe and stay engaged with your content

App quality and accessibility

Deliver a high-quality, easy-to-navigate, feature-rich application that enhances the user experience, crucial to maintaining audience interest and satisfaction in health and fitness
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...