They trust GoodBarber

Select the content to be monetized in your app

Choose which tutorials and tips to monetize or give away for free

Stand out from the crowd by offering exclusive videos and guides to gardening and outdoor projects that users are willing to pay for. With GoodBarber, you can easily define which content remains free and which becomes a source of revenue, setting subscription durations and rates according to your strategy.

Simplify subscriptions via your app

Simplify subscription for your users directly on the go

With GoodBarber, offer your subscribers a smooth and fast shopping experience. Whether on iOS or Android, they can subscribe directly from their device to access your exclusive gardening and outdoor decorating content, all thanks to a perfectly mobile-friendly integration.

Generate regular income

Turn your passion into profit with predictable income

Creating a recurring revenue stream is vital to sustaining your passion. Subscriptions to premium content on specific themes such as horticulture ensure a regular, predictable income stream, making it easier to plan and invest in your content in the future.

Build a loyal community

Cultivate a base of subscribers committed to your projects

By offering quality content and exclusive access to your best gardening projects and tutorials, you'll build a loyal audience. GoodBarber helps you build and maintain this community with powerful subscriber management tools, guaranteeing high satisfaction and optimal retention rates.

And much more

Detailed subscription statistics

Access accurate analytics to track audience growth and engagement

Subscription promotion on the app's home page

Promote your subscription offers directly on your app's home page

No commission on revenues

Benefit from 100% of the income generated at no extra cost

Customize subscription page

Adapt the subscription interface to reflect your unique brand and style

Intuitive subscription workflow

Benefit from optimized designs for easy and pleasant subscription

Superior user experience

Deliver a first-class mobile experience, thanks to advanced native features
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...