They trust GoodBarber

Flexible monetization of your content

Select which podcasts to monetize and which to offer for free

With GoodBarber, you have total control over the monetization of your educational podcasts. Determine the premium content and adjust the duration and subscription rates as you see fit. This flexibility enables you to tailor your offer to your educational audience, making your exclusive content more attractive while retaining free access to others. Maximize your reach and revenue potential while enriching your listeners' educational experience.

Easy-to-manage subscriptions

Simplify registration with an integrated subscription system

Deliver a seamless user experience with GoodBarber's subscription system, allowing your listeners to subscribe directly from their iOS or Android device. Simplify subscription management and improve listener satisfaction with a clear and accessible subscription process. Increase conversion rates and strengthen loyalty to your educational brand, facilitating ongoing access to quality content.

Regular, predictable income

Ensure a steady income stream

Setting up a subscription model with GoodBarber allows you to secure a regular, predictable income stream. Engaged listeners provide a stable revenue stream through renewals, allowing you to plan for the future development of your educational podcasts. Capitalize on a dedicated audience and expand your educational impact while enjoying greater financial peace of mind.

Audience loyalty and growth

Strengthen your subscriber base and commitment

Encourage audience loyalty with exclusive, high-quality podcasts. Subscribers are more likely to stay engaged and recommend your app to others, naturally increasing your listener base and solidifying your market presence. Take advantage of this momentum to continue to grow and positively influence the educational field.

And much more

Real-time statistics

Analyze subscriber behavior and adjust your strategies to maximize engagement and revenue. Get the data you need to understand the preferences and behaviors of your educational audience, enabling you to optimize your content and precisely meet their educational expectations

Direct promotion on the application

Use widgets on the homepage to actively promote your subscriptions. Boost the visibility of your premium offers directly from your app's main interface, encouraging users to further explore and engage with your educational content

No commission on revenues

Keep 100% of your generated revenue, with no hidden fees. Maximize your profits by avoiding commissions, leaving you more resources to reinvest in creating quality educational podcasts and improving your application

Advanced customization

Tailor the subscription page to reflect your podcast's unique identity. Create a tailored experience that resonates with your listeners and highlights the educational values of your content, boosting user engagement and satisfaction

Intuitive subscription

Benefit from optimized workflows for an effortless subscription experience. Facilitate the subscription path for your listeners with clear, simple steps, reducing friction and encouraging repeat subscriptions to your educational content

Superior user experience

Offer an app of impeccable quality with essential features for optimum comfort. Ensure smooth navigation and pleasant interaction, which is crucial to keeping users engaged and satisfied with your educational app
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...