They trust GoodBarber

Flexible monetization of culinary content

Choose which content to make available for free or for a fee

Offer a variety of articles covering advanced cooking techniques, traditional and modern recipes, and cultural anecdotes about world cuisines. Tailor subscription options to engage both amateur chefs and professionals eager to expand their culinary skills and knowledge.

Simplified access to kitchen secrets

Make culinary learning accessible to all

With a clear user interface, help subscribers sign up easily and quickly access a library rich in cooking content. A simple subscription process encourages ongoing culinary exploration and stimulates a passion for gastronomy.

Consistent income with high-quality products

Generate a stable revenue stream with content that nourishes mind and body

Publish well-researched articles that not only educate, but also inspire subscribers to experiment and perfect their cooking skills. These resources become a regular source of income, enriching users' daily lives through the discovery of new flavors.

Cultivating a community of food enthusiasts

Develop a network of cooking enthusiasts and professionals

By focusing on cooking articles, you build a community of subscribers who share a passion for culinary discovery and recipe exchange. Encourage a space where users can share experiences, restaurant reviews, and personal recipes.

And much more

Insights on the latest culinary trends

Provide analysis of current food trends to help readers keep abreast of developments in global gastronomy

Promotion visible on home page

Boost sign-ups with visually appealing widgets featuring your most popular or latest kitchen-related articles

Zero commission on subscription revenues

Maximize your profits by keeping 100% of your subscription revenues, with no fees deducted by the platform

Customize subscription pages

Create subscription pages that reflect the richness and diversity of the culinary cultures covered, improving user experience and conversion rates

Optimized underwriting process

Benefit from a subscription workflow designed for a frictionless user experience, promoting high conversion rates

First-class mobile user experience

Offer a user-friendly mobile application with advanced features, enabling easy, seamless access to culinary resources, no matter where your users are located
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...