They trust GoodBarber

Exclusive à la carte content

Choose the sessions you want to monetize to boost your revenues

With GoodBarber, select the CrossFit sessions you want to charge for, while offering free introductory sessions to attract new users. This flexible model allows you to customize your subscription offers, which can increase your subscriptions and boost your revenues by adjusting pricing according to the perceived value of each piece of content.

Easy registration on all devices

Enable direct registration from mobiles and tablets

GoodBarber's integrated subscription system makes registration accessible directly from a smartphone or tablet, under iOS or Android. This ease of access enhances the user experience and increases conversion rates by enabling users to subscribe quickly and hassle-free.

Predictable, stable income

Build a reliable revenue stream with monthly subscriptions

Offering subscriptions for your CrossFit classes ensures a regular and predictable income stream. This strategy enables you to convert your passion into a profitable business, with customers who benefit from access to top-quality content and who financially support your business on an ongoing basis.

Cultivate a passionate community

Build customer loyalty with regularly updated content

By constantly offering new CrossFit content, you keep your community engaged. GoodBarber gives you the tools you need to interact effectively with your subscribers, helping to build loyalty and increase member retention over the long term.

And much more

Detailed subscription tracking

Analyze data to adapt and optimize your CrossFit programs

Dynamic in-app promotion

Use widgets to highlight new CrossFit sessions

100% of revenues for you

Benefit from all the income you generate, commission-free

Customized subscriptions

Adapt your membership pages to reflect the identity of your CrossFit gym

Optimized registration

Simplify the registration process for a better user experience

Premium user experience

Offer your subscribers smooth navigation and intuitive features
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...