They trust GoodBarber

Cultivate unlimited creativity

Offer creative, mind-opening sessions

As a creative development coach, your role is to guide artists, writers, musicians and creators from all walks of life towards authentic, liberated expression. With GoodBarber, create exclusive content that explores advanced techniques, innovative brainstorming exercises and strategies for overcoming creative blocks. Offering these valuable resources on a paid-access basis not only adds value to your expertise, but also creates a sustainable source of income while enriching your subscribers' creative palette.

Easy access to inspiration

Lower the barriers between your customers and their muse

GoodBarber's integrated subscription system makes it easy for your customers to immerse themselves in content that stimulates their creativity, whether they're on a smartphone, tablet or computer. This accessibility transforms inspiration into a resource that's as easy to obtain as a click, encouraging productive, everyday creative practice.

Secure your creative future with regular income

Stabilize your finances with a steady stream of subscriptions

Choosing a subscription model for your creative development videos not only ensures predictable income, but also allows you to plan serenely for the future expansion of your offerings. Knowing you can count on ongoing financial support, you're free to focus on what you do best: inspiring and nurturing creativity.

Build a community of visionaries

Encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas

Creation doesn't happen in isolation. By developing a dynamic community around your courses, you provide a space where ideas can intersect and evolve. Organize online workshops, group critiques and discussions that allow your subscribers to feel connected and supported in their creative journey.

And much more

Visual creation tools

Provide tools to help visualize and realize creative ideas

Boost the promotion of your courses

Use targeted marketing tactics to attract committed creatives to your courses

Maximize your profits

Keep 100% of the revenue generated by your subscriptions, with no hidden costs

Personalized experience

Create a platform that reflects your creative philosophy and meets the needs of your audience

Simplified registration

Make the registration process as simple and intuitive as possible to encourage more entries

Optimal user experience

Provide an impeccable user interface for easy exploration and engagement with your content
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...