They trust GoodBarber

Flexible content monetization for local events

Tailor your offers to captivate those interested in community life and local celebrations

Offer interactive maps and detailed guides to upcoming events in the city, covering everything from major festivals to small neighborhood activities. These resources are designed to help users discover and plan their participation in events that enrich social and cultural life.

Simplified access to local festivities

Make local events more accessible and engaging

Use a clear interface that guides users through calendars of events, highlighting opportunities for all tastes, from live music fans to traditional festival enthusiasts. A simple subscription process makes it easy for residents and visitors to find the best activities and festivities recommended by local experts.

Consistent revenues with quality event guides

Generate stable revenues with content that attracts event participants

Publish well-researched, visually appealing guides that not only inform, but inspire subscribers to join in the celebration of local cultures and traditions. These resources become a reliable source of revenue, while increasing user engagement with regular updates and exclusive features.

Build loyalty among a vibrant, passionate community

Develop a network of people interested in community activities

Create a community of subscribers who share experiences, tips and reviews of local events. Encourage the sharing of photos, personal recommendations, and event stories to enrich the community with authentic and diverse content.

And much more

Tips for making the most of the festivities

Offer tips on how to get the most out of each event, including the best times to attend and highlights not to be missed

Promotion visible on home page

Highlight upcoming events and recommended activities with attractive widgets on the home page, increasing registrations and interest in community events

Zero commission on subscription revenues

Benefit from 100% of your subscription revenues, with no deductions by the platform, maximizing your profits

Customize subscription pages

Create subscription pages that reflect the diversity and richness of the events on offer, improving user experience and conversion rates

Optimized underwriting process

Benefit from a subscription workflow designed for a frictionless user experience, encouraging rapid and enthusiastic take-up of community event services

First-class mobile user experience

Offer a high-performance mobile application, providing quick and easy access to interactive maps and guides, essential for those seeking new community experiences even on the move
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...