They trust GoodBarber

Premium content on camping and survival

Select content to monetize for exclusive offers

With GoodBarber, you have the power to choose which articles or videos about camping and survival you want to monetize. Offer free access to attract new users, while reserving your most valuable tips for paid subscriptions. This strategy enriches the user experience and maximizes your revenues by targeting serious camping and survival enthusiasts.

Easy-to-manage subscriptions

Simplify underwriting with our integrated system

With the GoodBarber platform, deliver a seamless subscription experience directly to mobile devices. Your subscribers can easily sign up and pay for their subscription via their iPhone or Android, enjoying immediate access to your exclusive content on camping and survival techniques. This system encourages more engagement and higher conversions.

Constant and predictable income

Ensure regular entries with monthly subscriptions

Adopt the subscription model to ensure a stable and predictable revenue stream. GoodBarber lets you set up recurring subscriptions, guaranteeing a steady stream of income that will help you plan expansions or enhancements to your camping and survival content. This approach helps you build a sustainable business and enhance the value of your expertise.

Build loyalty among camping and survival enthusiasts

Build audience loyalty with engaging content

Use GoodBarber to nurture and expand your community of subscribers who are passionate about camping and survival. By offering new and exclusive content on a regular basis, you create a solid and loyal base, essential for the long-term success of your app. It also encourages social sharing and attracts new subscribers naturally.

And much more

Detailed commitment analyses

Optimize your strategies with precise subscription data

Integrated promotional widgets

Boost your subscriptions with attractive widgets on the home page

Zero commission on revenues

Keep 100% of your income, with no hidden costs

Customize subscription pages

Create pages that reflect your unique brand and style

Easy, intuitive subscription

Our UX designs facilitate user registration and loyalty

Superior user experience

Offer the best native app features for maximum engagement
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...