They trust GoodBarber

Exclusive and profitable content

Select the sessions you want to monetize to maximize your earnings

As a business coach, you have the unique ability to decide which strategic tips to turn into paid content. GoodBarber makes it easy for you to choose between free and paid access, and to set appropriate rates for your sessions, optimizing your revenues while delivering high-value content to your target audience.

Simplified registration

Make access to your programs as easy as possible

With GoodBarber, the subscription process is integrated and simplified, allowing your customers to sign up and access videos directly from their iOS or Android devices. This easy-access system encourages greater conversion of prospects into loyal subscribers, increasing customer retention.

Regular, predictable income

Stabilize your revenue stream with recurring subscriptions

Offering subscriptions for your business coaching sessions creates a stable, predictable income stream, allowing you to plan the future of your business with greater security. By retaining your customers with regularly updated content, you ensure an ongoing revenue stream while helping them excel in their business activities.

Customer loyalty and growth

Build a loyal and committed subscriber base

Developing a community of engaged subscribers is crucial to the long-term success of your coaching practice. Use GoodBarber to deliver personalized content that boosts customer engagement and loyalty, improving their satisfaction and attachment to your brand.

And much more

Monitoring commitments

Analyze user interaction to refine your content offers

Effective promotion

Use widgets to highlight your subscription offers on your app's interface

No commission

Make the most of your income without any commission on sales

Design customization

Adapt your app's appearance to better match your brand image

Intuitive subscription process

Provide a clear, straightforward subscription path to encourage sign-up

Superior application quality

Deliver an exceptional user experience with a well-designed, high-performance application
GoodBarber is the best app builder for boosting your income from subscriptions
Customized subscriptions, easy and secure payment, personalized subscription management, ...