GoodBarber's Online Help
Change plan or subscription period
To modify your subscription, to either change the period (monthly or yearly) or the offer (Standard, Premium or Pro):
- Click your name at the bottom left of your back office > Subscription .
Change the subscription period
The modification will take effect on the anniversary date of your subscription.
If you were on monthly payment period, you will pass on to a yearly payment period at the end of the last paid period.
If you were on yearly payment period, you will pass on to a monthly payment period at the end of the year already paid.
1. Select from the drop down menu under "Selected billing period": Monthly or Yearly
2. Click "Change plan"

Change of plan
You can upgrade to a larger offer, or choose to downgrade to a smaller offer.
- If your subscription is paid yearly (one payment every year):
Downgrade will be possible only one month before your subscription anniversary date.
Upgrade is possible at any time, a new invoice will be generated with the prorata rate calculated, and your new offer will apply as soon as the invoice is paid.
- If your subscription is paid monthly (one payment every month):
Downgrade or Upgrade is applied when you're asking for the modification, your next invoice will be generated accordingly to your new offer on your anniversary date.
1. Select from the drop down menu under "Selected offer" your new offer
2. Click "Change plan"