GoodBarber's Online Help
GBTC - Android - Personal Google Play Developer account
When you publish an app on Google Play with a personal developer account, there are a few steps you'll need to take to ensure it's ready for release. This includes running a closed test with at least 12 testers for a minimum of 14 days and applying for production access in your Play Console.
For more detailed information on closed testing, please refer to Google's documentation .
This online help outlines the steps required to publish your app for the first time on Google Play with a personal developer account.
Our GBTC service handles most of the process, but there are a few actions that only you, as the account owner, can complete in your Google Play Console. We've detailed those steps below.
Recruit testers
Before we can submit your app to Google Play, it needs to go through a closed testing phase with at least 12 testers.
It is important to provide your testers with clear instructions on how to test your app and report bugs. Encourage testers to use as many of your app's features as possible in order to receive holistic feedback.
Clear instructions and thorough testing help ensure your app is evaluated effectively and meets Google's quality standards.
Your testers will have to test your app daily for 14 days; it is very important.
1. Find your testers: Reach out to your personal and professional networks to find 12 (or more) people with Android devices who are willing to test your app. Make sure they understand the testing period lasts for 14 days.
2. Gather their email addresses: Collect the email addresses your testers use for their Google Play accounts on their Android smartphone. This is important because they'll need to use this email address to access the test version of your app.
3. Share the list with us: Provide the list of email addresses to our GBTC team in your submission support ticket when requested.
Share your Closed test app link with your testers
This is a crucial step that allows you to gather feedback and make any necessary improvements before your app goes live on the Play Store.
After Google approves your closed test, our GBTC team will provide you with a special link in your support ticket.
This link allows your testers to join the closed test and install the app on their Android devices.
Simply share the link with your testers using any method you prefer (email, WhatsApp, etc.).
Remind your testers that the closed testing period lasts for 14 days.
They'll need to click it on their Android smartphone to install the test version of the app and begin the 14-day testing period.
Apply for access to production
Once you've met the closed testing requirements, you can apply for production access. Only you, as the account owner, can complete this step in your Google Play Console.
1. Go to Google Play Dashboard .
2. Click "Apply for production"
To apply for production access on Google Play, you'll need to fill out three parts:
- About your closed test: Describe how you recruited your testers (e.g., friends, family, online communities), how actively they used the app, and the types of feedback they provided (e.g., bug reports, feature suggestions).
This helps Google ensure your app has been properly tested.
- About your app: Describe your target audience and what makes your app unique.
This helps Google understand your app better.
- Your production readiness: Explain how you addressed the feedback received during the closed test (e.g., bug fixes, UI improvements), and what criteria you used to determine that your app is ready for production (e.g., stability, functionality, user experience).
This demonstrates to Google that you've considered user feedback and are confident in your product's quality.
Google wants to make sure that your app has been thoroughly tested, that you've taken user feedback into account, and has a clear purpose before it goes live on the Play Store.
3. Google Play will then review your request for production access.
The account owner will receive an email with an update once the review is complete, usually within 7 days.
If Google rejects your request for production access, the closed testing phase will automatically restart with the same testers.
4. Once Google grants you access to production, let us know in your support ticket, and our GBTC team will finalize the publication process and get your app live on the Play Store!
- GBTC - GoodBarber Takes Care of your app publication and updates to the stores
- GBTC - iOS - Review and publication of a new iOS app by GoodBarber
- GBTC - iOS - Add GoodBarber to your team in App Store Connect
- GBTC - iOS - Request the renewal of your iOS Certificates
- GBTC - iOS - Request the update of your iOS app in App Store Connect
- GBTC - Android - Personal Google Play Developer account
- GBTC - Android - Request the update of your app in Google Play