Apple App review & Apple App rejections

On average, 50% of apps are reviewed by Apple within 24 hours and 90% are reviewed within 48 hours.
If the app does not meet the App Store Review Guidelines, you will need to revise and resubmit your app.

Carefully review the App Store Review Guidelines  to understand App Review do’s and don’ts before you begin app development.

Read Apple's tips on Avoiding Common App Rejections .
Make sure the app is complete and free of bugs/crashes before submitting, since the app should be ready for customers to download it from the App Store upon approval.
Be considerate of your users by ensuring your app seeks all the necessary user permissions, performs as advertised, is displayed accurately in screenshots and offers quality content.

If your app is rejected by Apple, don't panic.


You subscribed to GoodBarber Takes care service

GoodBarber team takes care of your iOS app build, publication and updates to the App Store:

GoodBarber team will manage your app's rejection on App Store Connect for you.
If you have been through GoodBarber's review service, our team has already checked your app before your submission.
It is often some minor modifications on your app and/or some information clarification about your app that are required by Apple.

1. Open a support ticket , and indicate the reasons that Apple stated for their rejection.
Apple will have informed you of the rejection of your app by email, and they will have informed you that a detailed explanation of their reasons for the rejection is available in your App Review page.
Transmit the entirety of the information in the App Review page to the support, including any screenshots that may have been provided:
- Login to App Store Connect
- From My Apps, select your app.
- At the top of the page, click the link that indicates that there are unresolved issues.
- From the In Progress section, click Resolve next to the submission you want to view.

2. If Apple requires any modifications to be done on your app, GoodBarber team will guide you via the support ticket so you can make those modifications until your app is ready.
If Apple requires some more information, GoodBarber will use the support ticket so you can give us those informations.

3. GoodBarber will resend the app to the App Store for you.


You selected a Solo mode

You are in charge of your iOS app build, publication and updates on the App Store:

If App Review or TestFlight App Review rejects your app, you can communicate with Apple and resolve issues in the App Review section.

You’ll receive a email that contains information about the rejection, including how the app is out of compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. You can correspond with Apple, and include attachments, such as screenshots and supporting documents, until you resubmit to App Review.
If your app was rejected for a metadata issue, you can resubmit the same build after resolving the issue.

1. Read carefully your Apple Review messages.
- Login to App Store Connect
- From My Apps, select your app.
- At the top of the page, click the link that indicates that there are unresolved issues.
- From the In Progress section, click Resolve next to the submission you want to view.

Apple's review message is made of 3 parts:
- Apple mention the guideline they think your app does not respect and explain why your app does not respect it.
- Next steps describes what they expect you to do
Resources, Apples gives you resources to help you fix your app

2. Depending on the rejection, if needed, make the modifications required by Apple on your app.
If you need to unlock the back office to build a new version of your app:
- From the left menu of your back office, click Sales channels > iOS app > Publish  menu.
- Click "Unlock your Backend"
- Use the questions asked in the dropdown menu to unlock the backend.

3. Reply to App Review messages:
You may add notes and include attachments in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. For example, you may choose to use the Information section to describe the app’s intended audience, communicate how to log in, or explain where Apple Review team can find certain features in the app.

4. Manage a submission with unresolved issues:
- Remove rejected item if you need to submit a new build version of you iOS app
- Edit and resubmit rejected item if you don't need to submit a new build version of you iOS app

If you're unsure of what to do, we invite you to read our online helps listed below where we describe some common app rejections and how to deal with them.

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