Test your app and validate it for submission

The process below is the Solo process, meaning you're the one in charge of building, then submitting your app to Google Play store.
If you'd rather our team to take care of it, you can subscribe to our GoodBarber Takes Care Service .

Solo Mode:

You have generated the native Android application and tested the AdHoc version on your Android device.

Go to the menu Sales Channel > Android App > Update

- To edit your app, click on Modify my application.
When your changes are done, go back to this page   to recompile your app. Wait until it's Ready again. 

- To continue and submit of your app to Google Play, click on Submit my app.
Note: At this point if you haven't subscribed to GoodBarber yet, you will be asked to select a subscription plan before being able to move forward. 
WARNING: You won't be able to update the settings   in the Update section (Sales Channel > Android App > Update ) until your back office marks the app as published in the store. 
In the meantime, you can still work in the back office normally, and will be able to update the Settings when both versions of the app are unlocked



Download the AAB file

After clicking on Submit my app, you will land on the page "Submission to Google Play". 

1. Click "Retrieve my .aab file" to download the binary file of your Android app.
2. Save the file where you can easily find it later. 



Select your app in your Google Play console

1. Login to your Google   Play console
2. Select your app


Set up your Store presence

Your app's store listing is displayed on Google Play and includes details that help users learn more about your app. 
Note: Only the mandatory information will be mentioned in this online help, the rest is optional.

A. Go to Menu Grow users > Store Presence > Store listing


1. Click "Create default store listing"

2. Fill in the App details (App name, Short description, and Full description)
More details on Google's documentation .

3. Upload your Graphics:
App icon: your app icon is shown on Google Play. This doesn’t replace your app’s launcher icon.
512 px by 512 px
Feature graphic: Shown at the top of your store listing. May also be used to promote your app in other places on Google Play.
1,024 px by 500 px
Phone screenshots: Upload between 2 and 8 phone screenshots
Between 320 px and 3,840 px
7-inch tablet screenshots: Upload up to 8 7-inch tablet screenshots
Between 320 px and 3,840 px
-10-inch tablet screenshots: Upload up to 8 10-inch tablet screenshots
Between 320 px and 3,840 px
More details on Google's documentation .

4. Click "Save"

B. Go to Menu Grow users > Store Presence > Store settings


Manage how your app is organized on Google Play, and how users can contact you.

1. App Category > Click "Edit"
App or Game: Select "App"
Category: select the category of your app, its main topic (News, Lifestyle, Entertainment,...).

2. Store listing contact details  > Click "Edit"
This information is shown to users on Google Play (Email address is mandatory, phone number and website are optional).

3. Click "Save"


Set up your App content

Provide and manage the information Google needs to ensure that your app is safe for its intended users, is compliant with Google Play Developer Program Policies , and satisfies legal requirements.

1. Open Play Console and go to the App content   page (Monitor and improve > Policy and programmes > App content)
2. Follow carefully instructions of this online help



Set up your closed test track

Go to the menu Test and Release > Testing > Closed testing, click Manage track next to Closed testing - Alpha



Manage the countries and regions where your app will be available

1. Select the tab "Country / regions"
2. Click "Add countries / regions"
3. Select all of them or just the countries / regions where you want your app to be available.
4. Click "Add countries / regions" and confirm in the pop up by clicking "Add"
This is the country or region where the user's Google account is registered, not their location.



Testing requirements

1. Recruit testers
Recruit at least 20 testers from your personal and professional networks (friends, family, colleagues, etc.) or relevant online communities.
Make sure they understand they must stay in the closed test for 14 days continuously.
For complete details, refer to Google documentation .

2. Select the tab "Testers"
3. Click "Create email list"


4. Add a list name and your 20 testers valid email addresses.
5. Click "Save changes"
6. Click "Create" to create the email list.
7. Fill in a Feedback URL or email address to let testers know how to provide you with feedback
8. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.


Preview and confirm the release

1. Select the tab "Releases"
2. Click "Edit releases"
3. Click "Upload" to upload your .aab file downloaded previously   from your GoodBarber back office.
4. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.


Send the Closed Testing release to Google for review

1. Go to the menu "Publishing Overview"


2. Send all changes for review


3. Wait for Google to review your app and allow you to start your closed testing.
Reviews are usually managed by Google within 7 days, but may take longer.

You can check the status of your app from the menu Dashboard of Google Play for this app, while in review, it will display as "Draft"


Once your app status changed from "Draft" to "Closed testing"

1. Go to the menu Test and Release > Testing > Closed testing, click Manage track next to Closed testing - Alpha
2. Select the tab "Testers"
3. Share the "Join on Android" link with your testers using your preferred method (email, WhatsApp, etc.).
They can simply click the link on their Android devices to install your app closed test version and begin the 14-day test period.



Closed App testing process

1. Tester Opt-In: Testers are automatically enrolled in your closed test once they install the app.
2. 14-Day Testing Period: Ensure testers actively use your app for at least 14 days to provide comprehensive feedback.
3. Address Feedback: Promptly respond to tester feedback and resolve any issues they encounter.
4. All items on the "Dashboard" menu checklist must be completed to apply for production release, they will be updated automatically by Google Play.
For detailed guidance, refer to Google documentation .



Apply for access to production

Once you've met the closed testing requirements, you can apply for production access. 

1. Go to the Dashboard .
2. Click "Apply for production"

To apply for production access on Google Play, you'll need to fill out three parts:
- About your closed test: Explain how you recruited testers, their engagement, and the feedback you received.
This helps Google ensure your app has been properly tested.

- About your app: Describe your target audience and what makes your app unique.
This helps Google understand your app better.

- Your production readiness: Explain how you used the feedback from your closed test to improve your app and how you determined it's ready for production. 
This demonstrates to Google that you've considered user feedback and are confident in your product's quality.

Google wants to make sure that your app has been thoroughly tested, that you've taken user feedback into account, and has a clear purpose before it goes live on the Play Store.

3. Google Play will then review your request for production access.
The account owner will receive an email with an update once the review is complete, usually within 7 days.

For more details, refer to Google documentation



Submit your app to production

If your application is successful, you can now submit your app to Production to make it available for all Google users.

1. Go to the menu Test and Release > Production
2. Select the tab "Releases"
3. Click "Create new release"
4. Click "Add From library" and select your latest App Bundle (the last one you used for your Closed test version)


5. Click "Next" and "Save" your production release
6. Click "Go to overview"


7. Send all your changes for review.


8. Google will typically review your app within 7 days, but it may take longer.
If rejected, you'll receive an email; if approved, your app will be published automatically.

You can track your app's status in the Google Play Console Dashboard.

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