Before you start

1. Make sure your Apple Developer account  is still valid. It must be renewed every year. 
2. Go to App Store Connect > Agreement, Tax and Banking   and accept any pending agreement there might be.
3. Make sure that you have done all the recommended verifications  to make sure your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines. 
4. Note that a Mac will be necessary to complete the submission process of your iOS app, as you will need to download the Transporter app  from the Mac App Store to upload your binary file to App Store Connect. 

Note about updates:
We recommend updating the app in the store regularly (a few times a year) to include the newest fixes and improvements brought to you by GoodBarber. 
You can refer to this online help  to know which modifications require submitting a new version of your app to Apple, and which modifications can be published directly from the Update menu in your back office.
Depending on the changes you've made into the app, and if the version published in the store is recent enough, it may not be necessary to send a new version to Apple in order to display the updates.


Get the new .ipa file from GoodBarber

1. In your back office, go to the menu Publish > iOS App > Publish  and generate your iOS app
2. Once the build is ready, download the .ipa file
3. Click Next.


Create a new version of your app in App Store Connect

1. In App Store Connect > My Apps , select your app. 
2. On the left, click the + sign next to "iOS App"
3. In the popup, register the new version number for your app. 
This version number should match the one displayed in the menu Publish > iOS app > Publication in your back office and must always be higher than the current version number in the App Store.

The new version should now be displayed with a yellow badge and the status "Prepare for submission" above the current version of your app. 


Upload your new ipa with Transporter

1. Open Transporteron your Mac and sign in using your Apple Developer credentials. 
2. Click the button "Add App". 
3. Select the new .ipa file that you previously downloaded from your back office . 
4. Click "Deliver". The status should shortly change to "Verifying app" and then "Uploading app". 
5. Wait until the badge turns green and the status indicates "Delivered". 

Apple will process the build for a few minutes before it becomes available in App Store Connect. 
In the meantime, go on with the rest of the settings. 

Note: If the upload gives you an error, you can refer to this online help  for a list of common errors and recommended ways to fix them. 


Mandatory - Indicate what's new in this version

In the menu iOS App > New version of the app, scroll to the paragraph field "What's new in this version" (below the description) and indicate what's new in this version of your app, such as new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

You should be specific when describing what's new in this app version.
For example, if you're submitting your app after a bug fix, you should give some details on what the bug was. 
- Bad: Bug fix
- Good: We fixed a bug causing the images not to be displayed in the Blog articles.

This is very important, as Apple may reject your submission and request additional information if they consider that you haven't provided enough details in the "What's new" field.


Optional - Update the App Store information

You should always make sure the information displayed in the App Store match the current content, design and permissions of your app.

Updating the App Store information is not mandatory, especially if you haven't made any big changes in your app.
However, some elements can only be edited when submitting a new version, so now is the best time if you need to change anything.

- In the menu iOS App > New version of the app, you can edit the screenshots, promotional text, description, keywords, support URL and marketing URL.
There are more elements you can add if you want, but only these ones are mandatory. 

- Still in the menu iOS App > New version of the app, scroll down to edit the App Review Information.
The contact information is always mandatory.
The sign-in information must be filled if it is required to sign-in to your app in order to access it or some of its sections. Make sure the information is up to date or Apple may reject your app while awaiting that you provided them a valid login and password. 
The notes and attachment are optional. 

- In the menu General > App Information, you can edit the namesubtitlecategory of your app, and also update the Content Right information (to specify whether the app contains, shows, or accesses third party content) and the Age Rating.

- In the menu General > Pricing and Availability, you can modify the price of your app and the countries where it's available. Note that you can edit these particular settings at any time, without having to submit a new version of the app to Apple.

- In the menu General > App Privacy, make sure the privacy policy  registered and the answers to the data privacy form  are up to date with the current content of your app. 

Save your modifications at the top of each page when you're done editing. 


Digital Services Act Compliance

If it's not done yet, enter EU Digital Services Act compliance information.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) requires Apple to verify and display trader contact information for all traders distributing apps on the App Store in the European Union (EU). Specify if you'll distribute any content in the EU in the capacity of a trader or non-trader.

How to know if you’re a trader: 
The DSA considers you a "trader" for instance, if your app uses paid features like memberships or requires payment to download from the App Store. You can find more details in Apple's documentation .

Information you need to provide if you're a trader:
The information you need to provide depends on whether you’re enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an individual or organization.

Organizations: The address associated with your D-U-N-S Number will automatically display. You’ll need to enter the following for display on your App Store product pages:
Phone number
Email address

Individuals: You’ll need to enter the following for display on your App Store product pages:
Address or P.O. Box
Phone number
Email address

All traders: You’ll need to provide payment account details if you haven’t already entered them in App Store Connect. You'll also be asked to certify that you only offer products or services that comply with the applicable rules of EU law.

Enter EU Digital Services Act compliance information
1. Login to the App Store Connect and go to the menu Business .
2. On the Agreements tab, scroll down to the Compliance section.
3. Next to Digital Services Act, click Complete Compliance Requirements.


Register the new build on App Store Connect

1. In the menu iOS App > New version of the app, scroll down to the Build section.
2. You should now see a + sign indicating that the build has been processed by Apple (if not, wait some more and come back later). 

Once the build has been processed and is available in App Store Connect, you have the option to test your app with Testflight
Once you are ready to publish your app, come back to the App Store menu > select your app version > scroll down to the build section and follow the steps below to finish the submission: 

3. Click the + sign or the button, select your build from the list and click "Done".
4. Save your modifications at the top of the page. 

The status of your app should now be "Ready for Review". 


Version Release

Scroll down to the Version Release section and select your preferred release system once the App Review is over for this new version: 

- Manually release this version: 
The new version won't be published automatically after Apple's review. You will have to come back to this page and publish it manually. 

- Automatically release this version:
The new version will be published automatically, immediately after Apple's review. Note that it may take 24 hours for the new version to actually be in the store after Apple's Review Team announces that it's been approved. 

- Automatically release this version after App Review, no earlier than a given date:
The new version will be published automatically after Apple's review but only on the time and date you set. This time and date must be set in your local date and time. 

Save your modifications at the top of the page. 


Add for Review

1. Click the "Add for Review" button at the top right.
You should be automatically redirected to the menu General > App Review.
2. Click the button "Submit to App Review".
Note that you may need to select the item to submit for review before the button becomes visible. 


Waiting for the App Review

The status of the new version of your app should now be "Waiting for Review".
It will change to "In Review" after the App Review Team actually starts the review of the new version.
At every step of the App Review, you will receive an update by email at the address associated to your Apple Developer Account. 
Keep an eye on your emails, as Apple's Review Team may need additional information to be able to complete the review before the new version is published on the App Store.

Apple's App Review may take a few days and up to a week. 

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