GoodBarber's Online Help
Manage the ad strategies - campaigns and ad network priorities | Native App
Set your campaign's priority
To maximize your advertisements' display, you can determine their priorities.
1. Go to the menu Monetization > Advertising > Strategy
You will find the list of external networks that you have activated.
2. Select the platform tab (depending on your plan).
3. Drag and drop the ad campaigns to order them.

- This order must be defined for each platform: the display priority order can differ between platforms and according to your needs.
- If the campaign in 1st position is not circulating any ads, the ones in the 2nd position campaign will be broadcast. If during its turn campaign #2 does not circulate any ads, campaign #3 will take over, and so on.
- Concerning internal advertising , if you choose to use any limit (duration, impressions, or clicks) for your campaigns, once the limit you've defined has been reached, the following campaign will be used following the order of priorities that you have chosen.
- The strategy menu allows you to choose the order in which your campaigns are shown, but only 1 campaign is displayed at the time.
-Banners from the same campaign are displayed randomly every 15 seconds after the first user action.
-Interstitial ads from the same campaign are shown randomly when clicking an item in a list page of your app, or a content item in a widget on the home page. For more details, please refer to this online help
Video tutorial
Note: Menus have changed in the back office, but the behavior explained in the video is still accurate.
- Monetize the app with third party advertising services | Native app
- Monetize the app with third party advertising services | PWA
- Monetize the app with the GoodBarber AdServer (internal ads) | Native apps
- Monetize the app with the GoodBarber AdServer (internal ads) | Progressive Web App
- Manage the ad strategies - campaigns and ad network priorities | Native App
- Manage the ad strategies, campaigns, and ad networks priorities | PWA
- Interstitial ad behavior for AdMob, Google Ad Manager & GoodBarber AdServer