API for Content applications
Automation et integration

An API enables an application to communicate with another application according to pre-defined methods.APIs are widely used by developers. By using the GoodBarber API, you can with your application using the computer code you produce.
GoodBarber'sAPI for content apps offers a rich collection of methods for creating automation and integrations with your application
Send push notifications
You can send push notifications to your user base directly from the API. You can reach all users, or target specific groups. Additional targeting by plateform is possible (PWA, IOS, Android)

User management
User management methods are intended for applications using the Integrated Purchase (IAP) extension. These methods allow you to view information about your prospects and subscribers. You can also perform actions such as adding/deleting subscribers ( excluding App Store and Google Play Store subscriptions) or adding a note about a prospect or subscriber.
Note that there is also an API method to retrieve all user groups from the app, for apps that don't use IAP.

View statistics
The API offers a variety of methods for accessing your app's statistics, such as downloads, launches, pages views, session times, devices and their operating systems,... Use them to create customized reports and identify areas for improvements to make your app even more popular

And much more
The API for content apps is not set in stone. New methods are added regularly. They are all listed in a comprehensive, open-access documentation.
Please note that there is also an API for eCommerce applications.