What's new at GoodBarber? February 2022
Written by Mathieu Poli on

This month we've decided to expand the catalog of content you can add to your GoodBarber shops. You can now choose to add the following sections:
Everything you need to enrich your store with any kind of content!
You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of February 2022.
- Podcasts
- Photo Gallery
- Flickr
- WebTV
- Youtube
- Vimeo
- Calendar
- iCal
- WordPress
Everything you need to enrich your store with any kind of content!
You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of February 2022.
eCommerce Apps
- General
- You can now add several new content sections to your shop: Podcasts, Gallery, Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Twitter, iCal, WordPress, WebTV, Calendar
- Product detail page
- Fixed an issue that displayed the information text with the wrong font. iOS
- Checkout page
- Fixed an issue where the user's cards could be out of date. iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused a blue rectangle to be displayed instead of the VISA card icon. iOS
- Fixed an issue that closed the new card pop-up window also closed the card list pop-up. iOSPWA
- Fixed an issue causing a crash to occur when the user opened the checkout page. Android
- Gallery section
- In template 2, the first photo could not be displayed. PWA
- Calendar section
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when the user changed category. Android
- Map section
- Fixed an issue that could cause the app to crash. iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when the user changed category.Android
- Contact section
- Fixed an issue that caused the icons not to be centered. iOS
- Click to section
- Fixed an issue where clicking on the section could not work. iOS
- Add-on Blog
- In template 1 on iPad, the information could be truncated. iOS
- In the comments publication page, if the user is logged in, the name field is now automatically filled with his username.iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when the user clicked on an article link. iOS
- In template 6, text could be misaligned in a section with a right-to-left language.Android
- Add-on Store Locator
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash.iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when the user changed category. Android
- Other fixes and improvements
- Your apps are now optimized for Android 12. Android
- Fixed: the link sent with the push notification could open on a blank page. iOS
- Fixed: the header title could be displayed with the wrong font size. iOSPWA
Content Apps
- Articles section
- In template 1 on iPad, information could be truncated. iOS
- In the comments publication page, if the user is logged in, the name field is now automatically filled with his username. iOS
- Fixed:an issue that caused the app to crash when the user clicked on an article link. iOS
- In template 6, text could be misaligned in a section with a right-to-left language. Android
- Photo sections
- In template 2, the first photo could fail to display. PWA
- Calendar section
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when the user changed category. Android
- Map section
- Fixed an issue that could cause the application to crash. iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash when the user changed category. Android
- Favorites section
- Fixed an issue where the text was missing on the delete bookmark button. PWA
- Contact section
- Fixed an issue causing the icons not to be centered. iOS
- Click to section
- Fixed an issue causing the section not to work. iOS
- Add-on Authentication
- Fixed an issue causing the second screen of the registration process not to be displayed. iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the text of the terms to be truncated in the login and registration screens. iOS
- Add-on Community
- Fixed an issue where the list of users was not updated when the user clicked on the tabs. iOS
- Fixed an issue causing the Apply button on the user search filters page to show on the filters when the filter list was larger than the screen. iOS
- In-App purchase add-on
- Fixed an issue that could cause an error message to be displayed when a user attempted to subscribe. iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when the user opened a section with premium content on iPad. iOS
- Fixed an issue that prevented the premium badge from being displayed in the correct position. iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused an infinite load when a user attempted to subscribe. iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash on launch. Android
- iBeacons add-on
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to fail to install. Android
- Plugin Add-on
- Fixed an issue that made the User Agent incorrect on iPads. iOS
- Couponing Add-on
- Fixed an issue that emptied the coupon list after a few swipes between categories. PWA
- Fixed an issue that could prevent a coupon detail page from opening. Android
- Now a placeholder is displayed when the coupon list is empty. Android PWA
- Fixed an issue where the redemption button was not centered on the coupon detail page. PWA
- Other fixes and improvements
- Your apps are now optimized for Android 12. Android
- Fixed an issue that caused a pop-up window to appear asking to log in with an Apple ID when launching the app. iOS
- Fixed: the link sent with the push notification could open on a blank page. iOS
- Fixed: the header title could be displayed with the wrong font size. iOSPWA