The second one
Written by Dumè Siacci on

Last week, we was thrilled to announce that the first app powered by GoodBarber 2 was online.
Great news, the second one has been published. You can download "La Lettre Pro de la Radio " on the AppStore.
This Beautiful App has been built by Philippe Chapot , the host of Le Radio event in Paris, where we were last week-end.
Today, February 13rd, is the World Radio Day, so it was not possible to hope a better day for the publication of the app :)
Let's welcome the second Beautiful App on our smartphones!
Great news, the second one has been published. You can download "La Lettre Pro de la Radio " on the AppStore.
This Beautiful App has been built by Philippe Chapot , the host of Le Radio event in Paris, where we were last week-end.
Today, February 13rd, is the World Radio Day, so it was not possible to hope a better day for the publication of the app :)
Let's welcome the second Beautiful App on our smartphones!