The rise of the app builders
Written by Jerome Granados on

Yesterday, we were happy to see GoodBarber featured in Mashable among the "10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps ". After reading it, I remind an article we wrote 2 years ago untitled "Long Live The App Maker Profession".
At that time, we wrote this article because apps were becoming clearly mainstream, but the power of creating an app was still in the hands of developers. People, and also app store owners, found it hard to grasp the value of an app creator. As far us, we strongly believed that offering software for non developers would bring to the app ecosystem a big opportunity to become even bigger.
Today, when someone decides to create an app, he knows he has many options to get his project done. Among those options, apps builders are a real and reliable solution. This is due to the hard work performed by the teams behing the app makers.
Everyday, more and more customers come to GoodBarber to create beautiful apps. It pushes us to improve our app builder and make it even more pleasant and powerful.