Resellers: How to sell an app to an association
Written by Ghjuvan Simeoni on

The reseller program allows you to create unlimited apps to be published on three different platforms: the web with a Progressive Web App, the Google Play Store with a native Android app and the App Store with a native iOS app.
With more than 500 features and 140 extensions, GoodBarber allows you to target a wide range of customers, with content management apps and eCommerce apps. Today, we will see how to sell an app to an association.
1/ Identify potential customers
- Environmental protection
- Political associations
- Cultural associations
- Charities
- Sports associations
- Think tanks
2/ Key features
To win over the customers we mentioned earlier, you need to know and master the key features to use for association apps. Here are the most important features to use:
Public agenda
Use the GoodBarber CMS, including an Agenda section to publish events organized by the association. The public agenda enables the association to announce and promote upcoming events, such as meetings, conferences, workshops, training courses, festivals or special activities. This enables association members and interested people to find out about dates, times and details of events.
Manage an editorial team
By granting access to active members of the association, you can set up a real editorial team, with people in charge of producing and publishing articles, others videos, etc. This ensures strong involvement of association members and the production of regular content for app users.
Geo-located users
With a native app, users can be geolocated. This makes it possible to find out where they are, and inform them of events taking place close to where they live. Well-informed, they will be able to become more involved in the day-to-day life of the association..
Public agenda
Use the GoodBarber CMS, including an Agenda section to publish events organized by the association. The public agenda enables the association to announce and promote upcoming events, such as meetings, conferences, workshops, training courses, festivals or special activities. This enables association members and interested people to find out about dates, times and details of events.
Manage an editorial team
By granting access to active members of the association, you can set up a real editorial team, with people in charge of producing and publishing articles, others videos, etc. This ensures strong involvement of association members and the production of regular content for app users.
Geo-located users
With a native app, users can be geolocated. This makes it possible to find out where they are, and inform them of events taking place close to where they live. Well-informed, they will be able to become more involved in the day-to-day life of the association..
Live audio and video
Give your customer the opportunity to broadcast live audio or video with our dedicated features. A beach clean-up operation for an environmental protection association? This action can be filmed live and broadcasted to all app users!
Push notifications
Use push notifications to alert users to the association's latest news, thereby strengthening engagement with both the app and the association itself.
Coming soon: fund-raising
It will soon be possible to raise funds via the app through third-party platforms such as "Buy me a coffee" or Donately. Use this feature to ensure that every user contributes to the association's development, or that every member pays their membership fee.
Give your customer the opportunity to broadcast live audio or video with our dedicated features. A beach clean-up operation for an environmental protection association? This action can be filmed live and broadcasted to all app users!
Push notifications
Use push notifications to alert users to the association's latest news, thereby strengthening engagement with both the app and the association itself.
Coming soon: fund-raising
It will soon be possible to raise funds via the app through third-party platforms such as "Buy me a coffee" or Donately. Use this feature to ensure that every user contributes to the association's development, or that every member pays their membership fee.
3/ Selling points
Here are the arguments you can put forward to convince your customer of the usefulness of an application for an association:
Share your convictions
The application is a wonderful tool for sharing the beliefs that underpin the association with the community and all its users. It's also a way of bringing together people who share these convictions, and of convincing new people of the validity of the association's objectives, whatever the field.
Spread knowledge
The application is also a tool for spreading knowledge. For example, if you're an environmental association, the application can be used to publish scientific articles, meetings reports and so on. The aim is to share useful information with users and raise their awareness of the issues raised by the association. For this, an app is essential, as people get information using their smartphones.
Grow the community
Having an app is a way of growing the community and support for the association by ensuring that it is accessible to as many people as possible. To do this, we offer three publishing platforms: the Web, the Google Play Store and the App Store.
Share your convictions
The application is a wonderful tool for sharing the beliefs that underpin the association with the community and all its users. It's also a way of bringing together people who share these convictions, and of convincing new people of the validity of the association's objectives, whatever the field.
Spread knowledge
The application is also a tool for spreading knowledge. For example, if you're an environmental association, the application can be used to publish scientific articles, meetings reports and so on. The aim is to share useful information with users and raise their awareness of the issues raised by the association. For this, an app is essential, as people get information using their smartphones.
Grow the community
Having an app is a way of growing the community and support for the association by ensuring that it is accessible to as many people as possible. To do this, we offer three publishing platforms: the Web, the Google Play Store and the App Store.
A mobile application gives association members and the user community easy access to reports, documents, events and other resources wherever they are, whenever they want.
Receive donations
The app will be seen as a means of increasing the association's funds to finance projects of all kinds.
Not a reseller yet? Create a test version here:
A mobile application gives association members and the user community easy access to reports, documents, events and other resources wherever they are, whenever they want.
Receive donations
The app will be seen as a means of increasing the association's funds to finance projects of all kinds.
Not a reseller yet? Create a test version here: