How to handle Leads' objections?
Written by Christophe Spinetti on

Whether you do sales in person, over the phone, or via email, you are regularly confronted with objections from your leads or clients. There are, of course, some basic rules to follow when dealing with objections. But our goal is above all to give you points specific to selling apps.
What are the most common objections:
1/ "it's too expensive" or "it's not the right time to invest"
2/ "I don't have time to take care of it"
3/ " I already have a mobile website"
4/ " it will never work"
What are the basic rules for responding to objections?
What are the most common objections:
1/ "it's too expensive" or "it's not the right time to invest"
2/ "I don't have time to take care of it"
3/ " I already have a mobile website"
4/ " it will never work"
What are the basic rules for responding to objections?
- Don't snap or respond in a hurry. On the contrary, stay open and accept criticism. Don't take your clients' objections personally. Take your time before answering, it could make the situation worse.
- Consider remarks as requests for information. Ask your clients questions, ask them to clarify their thoughts. Better yet, ask them what solution they could bring to the problem, what their point of view is. You're there to listen to your clients and you're interested in their opinion. The goal here is to make your client feel valued and that their opinion matters. Even if you don't have an immediate solution.
- Finally, deal with the objection anyway. You've been open to their request, you've asked for clarification and for their opinion. But you can't walk away. Either you don't have an immediate answer to give them and in this case, come back to them quickly (and do it systematically, whatever the answer, it's important). Either you develop your points according to all the details you obtained at the beginning of the discussion.
1/ "it's too expensive"
The most common objection. The person in front of you thinks that you are going to ask for too much money and that they will not benefit from it. Here are some examples of possible points to make:
- "More than 50% of the world's web traffic is done on Mobile / $143Bn spent/year via Smartphones in 2020 / 4h00/day on average spent on Mobile. Your clients use apps a lot. Thanks to us you can get them on their favorite channel".
- "The creation of a custom app costs at least 25.000€ for basic functionalities. We use advanced technologies that allow us to create apps faster and sell them at affordable prices. In addition, we can offer you payment options (or payment in installments)".
- "The cost may seem significant to you, but the most important thing is to measure the return on investment of this app. Our functionalities allow you to generate revenues and/or increase the traffic in your store: eShop , Click&Collect,Couponing , Push, Advertising campaigns... Thanks to our integrated dashboard, you will be able to follow your stats live".
2/ "I don't have time to take care of it"
In some cases, your clients are overwhelmed, or simply don't feel comfortable saying they don't have the skills to handle the app on a daily basis. As a mobile expert, here are the answers you can provide:
- "We are a service company and we are here to support you every day."
- "We take care of content creation and integration".
- "We take care of all the technical part and the publications on the Stores "
- "All technical updates are included in our prices".
- "We can manage some daily tasks for you: creation of articles and content, sending push, promoting the app on social networks and on the web...".
- "We use a reliable and proven platform. We can give you access to an easy-to-use management interface, so you can update your app very quickly."
3/ " I already have a mobile website"

Some clients will not see the point of investing in an app when they already have a mobile site. Here are some ways to address this concern:
- "Did you know that shop apps convert 3 times more than mobile websites? Did you know that 90% of the time spent on mobile is spent on Apps and only 10% on "mobile" sites?""
- "The user experience of an app is incomparable with a site, even when optimized "mobile". The app is designed to be perfectly integrated into the technical environment of your users' smartphones. They are faster, work offline, and have geolocation functions".
- "When a user decides to install an app, they authorize you to enter his trusted zone. They will therefore be more willing to read your content on a more regular basis. With a mobile site, you'll have to fight to keep your audience, since every time they search the Web you'll be competing with other sites."
- The ultimate weapon: Push notification. "Push is the most efficient way to transmit information via an app. The user gives permission to receive pushes. They are therefore requesting information from your app. On top of that, this information is relevant, personalized, and impactful. A responsive site will never allow you to directly capture your audience and send them push notifications".
4/ " it will never work"
A common objection from a "mobile-skeptical" lead, they think that the mobile is not suitable for their business. Here are some ways to respond to this problem:
- "A user unlocks his smartphone about 150 times a day, and 9 times out of 10 is to open an app. He spends about 4 hours a day on his mobile. Your audience is asking for apps, just offer them one."
- "The features we implement are there to make your app a success: Push notifications, user geolocation , coupons and loyalty card, eCommerce, Click&Collect, 1-Click payment ....".
- "The image of your company will change as soon as your app is on the Stores, this can be a differentiating element compared to your competitors. You will demonstrate that you are a modern company, which stays in touch with its clients."
- "We can launch marketing campaigns to help you promote your app on social networks, the web... "
- "When the web started, many people didn't believe in it. Now every company has a website. Don't be so judgmental about apps and take the lead..."
- "Here is one of my client's app (or a demo app ). You can download it to get an idea."
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