Enhance your Shopping App with a Blog
Written by Marie Pireddu on

The add-on Blog is finally here!
You can now enhance your Shopping app and showcase your products under a different angle by writing blog posts.

After activating it from the add-on catalog in your back office, you will be able to choose between 9 list templates and 4 article templates to best display your posts.
From the new dedicated Blog menu, you can organize your content in different categories and schedule the publication of an article.

By creating a story around your products, you can engage your clients on an on-going basis. Allowing them to comment on your posts will make them feel part of your online community. Therefore helping you build brand loyalty and boost sales.
Adding a blog to your Shopping App will drastically increase the amount of content of your app. The more content you have, the more your PWA will index—and the more potential clients will organically find their way to your shop.
Your GoodBarber PWA has been designed for optimal indexing in search engines. You will also have access to the back office tools to manage the display of meta-information on your content pages.