Download GoodBarber News
Written by GoodBarber Team on

Did you know you can keep up with our latest news and updates using the GoodBarber News app? Available on iOS and Android, it features lots of free resources, just a tap away, to make the most of our app builder while staying in the know about all things related to the mobile app market.
For a comprehensive experience of GoodBarber

Get easy access to our blog content, per categories, to LEARN (marketing tips, business advice, design guidelines and more), DISCOVER (features' focused posts to make the most of our platform), see SHOWCASES of some of the most Beautiful Apps created by GoodBarbers, and connect with us, through our LIFE section, to get to know our company and our team better. The GoodBarber News app centralises all your favorite GoodBarber blog reads, in your smartphone. Besides, the app supports multiple languages, so that there's a resource for everyone speaking English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or Turkish.
with Agency Tips

If you are an agency using our app builder to sell apps, we have isolated all our Reseller content under one single section: "Agency tips", use it to make your business reselling apps a great success!
Social Connectors

You can also use the GoodBarber News app to keep in touch with us. With push notifications, subscribe to our publications (want this cool feature in your app too? Check out our Scheduled Push option), and make sure you never miss a blog update for instance. You will also find all our Social Networks in one place, as well as a calendar section, to meet us at our upcoming events. We've never been closer!
... Special Offers

One more reason to download the GoodBarber News app? Savings! with direct access to our discount coupons, within a dedicated section. Quickly create your User Profile to access this section and get "Our discounts" as soon as they are released, before they even arrive in your inbox (if you are subscribed to our newsletter, which we warmly recommend too ;), of course).
Psst... ! Get our Sandbox app too:

To be fully equipped, did you know that we have also created for you the My GoodBarber app? It allows you to test your app, on your own device! Find it in the stores or in one click if you have the GoodBarber News app in your phone 👍