Agency Tips - Giving Clients Backend Access
Written by Christophe Spinetti on

As a Reseller Agency, you have the possibility to give your clients access to the back-office of the apps you have created for them. Whether it's about design, content updates, or for example sending push notifications, there are many advantages to give access to the tool to your clients (costs, speed of integration,...).
1. How to proceed

First, you have to go to the Back-Office of the corresponding app by following this path: Settings => Other Settings => Team => New Contributor.

CAUTION: Do not mistake access to an app's back office with access to the Reseller Dashboard back office. If you give a person access to the Dashboard, that person will be able to access all the back-office of the apps in your account.
Once you have added your client's email address in the dedicated field, they will receive a message inviting them to create their password. They will then be able to access their app's back-office.
IMPORTANT: As the administrator of the Reseller account, you remain the owner of the app in the back office. Even if you do not restrict any access to your client, they will never be able to access billing, purchase add-ons or delete you from the account.
Once you have added your client's email address in the dedicated field, they will receive a message inviting them to create their password. They will then be able to access their app's back-office.
IMPORTANT: As the administrator of the Reseller account, you remain the owner of the app in the back office. Even if you do not restrict any access to your client, they will never be able to access billing, purchase add-ons or delete you from the account.

What rights should you give your client?
There is no limit to the number of people you can give access to, so if your client wants to involve their team, anyone can participate. Access rights can be fine-tuned for each user, the graphic part can be reserved for a user from the design team, while the marketing team can only have access to push notifications or statistics, and so on. This is easily configurable in each user's form with checkboxes.
There is no limit to the number of people you can give access to, so if your client wants to involve their team, anyone can participate. Access rights can be fine-tuned for each user, the graphic part can be reserved for a user from the design team, while the marketing team can only have access to push notifications or statistics, and so on. This is easily configurable in each user's form with checkboxes.
If you absolutely want to keep the privilege of making design modifications for example, nothing prevents you from blocking access to the design section for your clients, simply by unchecking the dedicated box.
2. White Label

You might think that if you create a back-office access to your client, you'll have to disclose that you use an App-Builder . Don't worry, thanks to the "White Label" option integrated in your Reseller subscription, you won't have to reveal that you use GoodBarber. First, you can customize all the back-office logos (Login Page, back-office icon, and favicon) so that your client does not see our logo. This can be configured from your Reseller Dashboard.

Nevertheless, some sections of the back-office like the add-on page or the online help contain logos or mentions of GoodBarber in some places. These logos cannot be removed or hidden. To prevent your client from seeing our brand, you need to restrict access to these sections when you set up client access rights. We've made it easy for you by adding a small GoodBarber logo next to each section that is not fully white-labeled. Just uncheck these boxes to be fully white-labeled.
3. An asset in your client relationship
If you decide to give your client access to the back-office, no matter what strategy you choose, you must use this as a commercial argument.
A professional image
When your clients access GoodBarber for the first time, they will immediately realize that they are in a quality space with a professional user interface. This will show that you are doing serious work with a leading tool in the App-Builders market. Your credibility will be enhanced.
Valued clients
By giving them access to the back-office of their app, you give importance to the relationship you have with your clients. Indeed, they will already feel valued to have access to the "engine" of their app. It will show that you trust them. They can also take pride in being able to perform certain actions by themselves. Even if they didn't build their app, if they send pushes or create events in their app's calendar, they won't mind letting you know. And that will necessarily serve your interest.
Saving time
If you don't give your clients access to their back office, it means you'll have to manage everything for them. Of course, this can be part of your business strategy. But you need to measure the impact of this strategy. If you perform too many time-consuming or low-value-added tasks, your profitability can be affected. For example, a client who owns a restaurant will have to make regular changes to menus or prices. If they have to contact you for each modification, you can quickly find yourself overloaded with requests of this type during the peak tourist season, for example. Giving even a limited access to the Back-Office to this restaurant owner will save you time to take care of more profitable tasks for you.
A better business strategy
As we have just seen, if you don't give your client access to the back office at all, he can waste your time. On the other hand, if you give your client full access and they start to master the platform, they may not need you anymore. And you know that you must remain the app expert in the eyes of your client. The goal is to continue to sell them services continuously. So you can choose to voluntarily restrict certain sections in order to charge for additional services. For example, the design section could be blocked, and you could sell a design service every year or two to your client.
A professional image
When your clients access GoodBarber for the first time, they will immediately realize that they are in a quality space with a professional user interface. This will show that you are doing serious work with a leading tool in the App-Builders market. Your credibility will be enhanced.
Valued clients
By giving them access to the back-office of their app, you give importance to the relationship you have with your clients. Indeed, they will already feel valued to have access to the "engine" of their app. It will show that you trust them. They can also take pride in being able to perform certain actions by themselves. Even if they didn't build their app, if they send pushes or create events in their app's calendar, they won't mind letting you know. And that will necessarily serve your interest.
Saving time
If you don't give your clients access to their back office, it means you'll have to manage everything for them. Of course, this can be part of your business strategy. But you need to measure the impact of this strategy. If you perform too many time-consuming or low-value-added tasks, your profitability can be affected. For example, a client who owns a restaurant will have to make regular changes to menus or prices. If they have to contact you for each modification, you can quickly find yourself overloaded with requests of this type during the peak tourist season, for example. Giving even a limited access to the Back-Office to this restaurant owner will save you time to take care of more profitable tasks for you.
A better business strategy
As we have just seen, if you don't give your client access to the back office at all, he can waste your time. On the other hand, if you give your client full access and they start to master the platform, they may not need you anymore. And you know that you must remain the app expert in the eyes of your client. The goal is to continue to sell them services continuously. So you can choose to voluntarily restrict certain sections in order to charge for additional services. For example, the design section could be blocked, and you could sell a design service every year or two to your client.