Agency Spotlight: BPM helps business owners develop their digital presence.
Written by Ghjuvan Simeoni on

We recently asked a few questions to Cécile, the founder of BPM-Ad, an agency based in Martinique helping small business owners to develop their digital presence.
Can you introduce your agency in a few lines to our readers?
The story of BPM is above all that of a personal reconversion for Cecile. Exit the bad weather, it is under the sun of Martinique that the entrepreneur decides to create her web agency in 2019. The main goal of this native of Bordeaux? To help the digitalization of Martinique, especially by encouraging small business owners to develop their digital presence. The agency has grown and now has 9 employees. Each one has a specific role in the creation of websites, and mobile apps, and in the management of community management. It is also from a geographical point of view that the company continues to grow - first Martinique then Guadeloupe and finally St Martin. And this is only the beginning of this adventure in the Caribbean!
What kind of services do you offer to your clients?
We work in the web sector. Everything related to digital is our field of expertise. We create websites: from the development of the site to copywriting. We also create apps for smartphones, with various features depending on the client's needs. We then promote companies on social networks, thanks to community management - a task that combines writing and graphic design. Finally, to answer a recent request, we plan the digital strategy of the companies we work with. For that, we meet with them to target their needs and establish a plan that will work for them.
From your own experience, how important is mobile in your clients' issues?
Our clients generally have several issues: developing their leads, bringing customers into the store, and beating their competitors. Forgetting about mobile is shooting yourself in the foot in today's digital age. Beyond the computer, it is now the community of mobile users that continues to grow. More than 9 out of 10 people have their noses glued to their smartphones. This is not a negligible target. Creating a website, an app, or managing your social networks means meeting the current demand and reaching a maximum number of potential customers. You speak to them with their words and they return the favor by discovering your products/services or even by investing. The mobile is not important in this case, it is essential and vital.
Can you tell us a bit about an app you created with GoodBarber for one of your clients, which was successful

With GoodBarber, we created the app for Domia, a home furnishing company. In a sector that is very competitive, the success has been dazzling: more than 10,000 downloads! And the app currently lists 18,000 products, with new ones appearing almost every day.
What is your feeling on the importance of mobile apps and more generally the future of mobile?
Mobile and apps are bound to grow in the future and innovate more and more. This is how the market works with companies competing with each other and always wanting to offer the best product with the best features. Even to propose completely original and far-fetched products. We won't be able to do without mobile apps. On the other hand, it will be necessary to adapt to the competitors and to the novelties that appear in the future to stay up to date.
How does GoodBarber support you in your projects?
GoodBarber makes it easier for us to create apps. And in addition to convenience, we are in the business of creating quality apps, both in terms of visuals and features. Customers are also satisfied with the final result and the available features!
What is your favorite GoodBarber feature?
The choice was difficult but we had to choose: the notification system. Using social networks and websites allows reaching a certain audience. Push Notifications on the phone allow us to widen this audience. The app works on a system of reciprocity: the customer downloads the app and in return, we offer them privileged access ( promotional notifications, online appointments...). They are the first to be informed of all the good deals in real-time thanks to these little notifications. An excellent way to not miss any opportunity for the customer and to promote the company!